Saltha Travels

I'm a writter for the bikaesh foundation, a non profit orginization dedicated to awarenbess about the salthan culture. Now I have the chance to take my first trip to saltha with my 9-year-old son, Zack, and this blog will keep you updated about my travels. *Note: I am back home now and do not plan to add any more new posts*

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Location: Pacific Northwest, United States

An aspiring Writer, World-Builder, role-player and Game designer.

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

End of our Jouney

We have finally reached the furthest end of saltha and are ready to make our trek back home. We are a little sad, though we knew our trip couldn't last forever. We have made a few friends here at the resort, and are sad to have to say goodbye.

Right now I am writing this on my laptop computer, riding a Kes cab to the capital city. We havn't descided yet if we want to spend any time, and may go straight to Ten Terak through the night to get there by the morning and see our friends.

I hope you enjoyed reading about our expiences here, and have found them as enlightning as we have found these journeys. I feel if everyone just took the trip to Saltha (Though I realize that finacialy and chromaticly diffuclt or impossible) they would no longer have any walls of hate because of ingorance. They would see Salthans, as real people who have a rich culture and are extemly open and friendly and loving as any human. Then maybe many (but I'm not omptimistic enough to expect all) of the wars would stop and we would get along better.

Well, I'm rired and I'm going to try to sleep. It's been a long day. Good night.