Saltha Travels

I'm a writter for the bikaesh foundation, a non profit orginization dedicated to awarenbess about the salthan culture. Now I have the chance to take my first trip to saltha with my 9-year-old son, Zack, and this blog will keep you updated about my travels. *Note: I am back home now and do not plan to add any more new posts*

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Location: Pacific Northwest, United States

An aspiring Writer, World-Builder, role-player and Game designer.

Friday, March 11, 2005

Exploring Ten Terak

We've been touring Ten Terak the last few days, with the Datomenkaps as our guides.

On thursday, we vistied the old palace, which is built like a fortification.

Yesterday we visited a small art gallery and took a day trip up to the "tombs of ancients" on the outside of the north side of the town. The Tomb of the ancients is a large mosoleum built during the first reign of the kings, built soimetime around 3000 KG, used up until the great scattering of the salthan people. Then when the salthans came out of hiding and returned to their home country, Doasesal (302-246 KG) and Karnasela I (266-214 KG) were buried here before the capital was moved to Naska in 212 KG, and no more kings were burried there since.

In a few days we're going to move on to Lupa, though it will be hard to say goodbye to the Datomenkap family, after being so kind to us and opening their home to us.


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