Saltha Travels

I'm a writter for the bikaesh foundation, a non profit orginization dedicated to awarenbess about the salthan culture. Now I have the chance to take my first trip to saltha with my 9-year-old son, Zack, and this blog will keep you updated about my travels. *Note: I am back home now and do not plan to add any more new posts*

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Location: Pacific Northwest, United States

An aspiring Writer, World-Builder, role-player and Game designer.

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Coming of age cerimony

It's hard to beleive it's already june. We descided to stay in Ten Terak for another few months because of Lail's birthday which was yesterday, but we cellebrated it last
saturday. This was a very special birthday because it was his 10th birthday, which is the year that a salthan boy is considered to be on the first step to becoming a man.

I was surprised when Lail asked my son to be the one who would serve as a sort of "man of honor" at this important cerimony. I think perhaps his parents were surprised too. They told me that they have never heard of a human being chosen for this place of honor.

They had only known each other for a few months now, but apparently they fast became best friends. I was quite touched that the two, who are so different on the outside would become such good friends.

I explained to my son the responsibilty of this posistion, and things he would be expected to go through along aside Lail. He did seem nervous about it (As I expected), but he made it clear he understood and was willing to do it. I told him it would be entirly his desicsion.

In many cultures withstanding pain is a sign of being a man. In salthan tradtion, the boy and his chosen friend stands before the assembled witnessess, nude (only male freinds and family are allowed to attend) wearing paint in colorfull patterns on their bodies. First they are one by one dunked in a vat of near freezing water and then quickly in to a vat of hot water (so the hot water feels even hotter). Then the boys are whipped 10 strikes across their backsides with a switch. After that they redress and birthday boy choose a new name for himself, and and everyone cellebrates with a big feast. It was hard to watch my son be hurt, but I was proud of him. He was very brave and it was over fairly quickly. Zack said that of course the cerimony hurt, but he was happy to stand by his friend and showed how much he cared for him. (I asked Zack's permission to post this)

We've had a wonderful time in Ten Terak, and we're sad to go, but now we're off to the next city, Lupa. Though we plan to return to Ten Terak on our way back home.